Robi Mbugua Njoroge
Dr. Robi is the Executive Director of ACA, the lead Kenyan government Agency mandated to combat counterfeiting and trade in counterfeit goods. The Authority is domiciled under State Department for Trade under the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development.
Dr. Njoroge has over 20 years’ experience gained in both public and private sectors. Previously, Dr. Njoroge served as the Chief Executive Officer of Kenya Association of Music Producers (KAMP). He also served as board member of the Media Council of Kenya (MCK), Tom Mboya University College, and Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK).
Dr. Njoroge holds Doctorate Degree in film studies from Kenyatta University; a master’s degree in Intellectual Property (MIP) from Africa University, Zimbabwe; a Bachelor of law (LLB) from Mount Kenya University and Bachelor of Education (Arts) from Egerton University.
06-Mar-2024Theater BLeadership Keynote | Protection and Enforcement of IPR