Philippa Southwell
Philippa Southwell is Managing Director of Southwell & Partners, a leading law firm in the United Kingdom, specialising in criminal, modern slavery and regulatory law. She is recognised as one of the world's' prominent' modern slavery and human trafficking lawyers.' She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2009 as a Barrister, having cross qualified, she practices as a Solicitor Advocate. Philippa is also Managing Director of the Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery Expert Directory. She lectures extensively both domestically and throughout the Middle East and Europe. Philippa also advises companies on modern slavery and human rights compliance. She was called to give evidence as a legal expert in the Home Affairs Select Committee Modern Slavery Inquiry. Philippa has acted on several hundred modern slavery cases. She has acted in most of the significant and leading cases involving victims of modern slavery and forced criminality of the last decade and has' acted at all levels, representing the interests of victims of trafficking, including the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and European Court of Human Rights. She is a published author and co-author of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Law and Practice (Bloomsbury 1st and 2nd Edition), Co Author of 'Does the new Slavery Defence Offer Victims any Greater Protection' (Archbold Review 9th November 2015 issue 9).
05-Mar-2024Theater A & BLeadership Discussion | Human Trafficking: Establishing the Building Blocks of an Effective Response