Rosalind Nyawira
Rosalind Nyawira is a legal and security expert with twenty-three years' experience in countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism. She is a specialist in international terrorism, and most recently has been engaged in preventing and countering violent extremism (P\CVE). She has excelled in counter-terrorism theory and practice.
She is the Director of the National Counter Terrorism Centre, a national multi-agency body mandated by law to coordinate CT efforts in all of Government and leading de-radicalisation efforts. The NCTC is also the coordination centre for all bilateral and multilateral efforts aimed at countering and preventing violent extremism.
She also guides policy and legal framework on preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), undertakes research to identify vulnerable populations and create resilience amongst them, liaises with international players in identifying knowledge gaps and providing tailor-made solutions, exchanges with foreign partners on good CVE practices and represents Kenya in international CT fora.
She has wide experience formulating the National Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the National Strategy for Countering Violent Extremism and the attendant review of these policy documents, generating training programmes and offering training for public and private sector on the threat of terrorism and violent extremism, as well as guiding law and policy on terrorism and violent extremism.
She is the former head of the Joint Counter-Terrorism Analysis Centre, Kenya. She is also an adjunct lecturer at the National Defence University, Kenya and Strathmore University, Kenya.
She holds a Doctorate in Law (LLD) from the University of South Africa with a bias towards human rights and humanitarian law.
She is also an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a Notary Public and has widely published in the field of law and terrorism.
05-Mar-2024Theater CLeadership Discussion | What Justice Means to Youth?