Kwan Chui Ching Catherine
Ms KWAN Chui-ching, Catherine has 35 years' experience with the Hong Kong Police Force. She has held a variety of command positions, including operational command in Division, District and Region, human resources management and public relations.
Since 2019, Catherine assumed the post of Assistant Commissioner, Information Systems Wing, responsible for formulating and executing the Force digital policing strategy. She led the IT and Communications Branch to develop over 80 digital solutions that aims to enhance officers' operational efficacy on core service deliverables in the digital age. She also established the Force Innovation and Solution Laboratory to nurture IT proficiency and innovation.
Catherine received training at various Mainland China and Overseas training institutes including the Canadian Police College, Scottish Police College and Tsinghua University. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Social Science and a Master's Degree in Strategic Leadership.
05-Mar-2024Theater CLeadership Discussion | Intelligence-led Policing: From Reactive to Proactive Policing